Ransom Dry Vermouth 375ml
Ransom Dry Vermouth 375ml
This dry and complex domestic vermouth is great for sipping, cocktails, or spritzes. From the producer:
The base wine of our Dry Vermouth is a blend of organically and conventionally farmed aromatic white varietals and Pinot Noir blanc. The fortifying brandy is Alembic pot distilled in house from a blend of wines from Pacific Northwest grapes. Barrel aged in mixed French oak.
While ours is an original recipe with elements of whimsy, this Vermouth is fundamentally a classical formulation, with eponymous base notes of wormwood. It lends depth, complexity, and elegance to cocktails both classic and modern and is a worthy aperitif either neat or on ice. We believe our Vermouth retains the traditional apothecary signatures of its Belle Époque ancestors while contributing meaningfully to the modern Vermouth tradition.